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Warframe: The Shawzim Scam


One might think that the Shawzim is a nifty idea. Play an instrement that people can hear? What a novel concept! Except, like everything in Warframe it costs money. If you give in though and buy it, you will be amazed at the notes it has, play the 6 songs they have given you for ‘freeeee’, ‘save’ your own songs (literally they give you a string that you have to alt-tab and save yourself), play other songs with the string that you have to either already have in your computers clipboard or alt-tab and copy the string of the song that you want to play then put it in the nesseccary field so you can play the songs from other people. Why can you not save songs from Warframe? Why do you have to alt-tab if you want to play other songs than the six very short songs that they give us?

Am I superstitious?

Are you superstitious?

Occasionally when I read blogs, they are WordPress blogs and for some reason, on this browser, I am logged into WordPress, so I can see my profile icon in the top right. I enjoy the posts I’ve written so I’ll occasionally look over them fondly.

WordPress has a new (?) ‘daily writing prompt’ which asks ‘Are you superstitious?’ To be brief, yes.

Longer answer is ‘no’, because I /know/ what I know and it isn’t a belief in the unknown. When I do a ‘strange dance’ and make a coincidence happen, that’s just a coincidence. When I do another ‘strange dance’ and make another coincidence happen, that’s just a coincidence. When I do another ‘strange dance’ and make another coincidence happen, that’s just a coincidence. Either coincidences are happening after I do ‘strange dances’ for some reason or they are not actually coincidences. To be clear; the coincidences are things that I wanted to happen, and it seemed like they happened because I did a ‘strange dance’.

(What is this strange dance? What coincidences occurred?! I won’t tell! But if you really wanted to do magic (or magick or however you want to spell it) you can just guess what I actually mean. It is so easy to get started these days.)

Ghosts are real! Demons are real! Angels are real! Aliens are real! Aliens might actually be demons! Aliens might be humanities best ally! … Developing intuition is very important. ‘Gut feeling’ is very useful. Don’t second guess that initial gut feeling… But do know it can be wrong sometimes. Usually when facing the unknown, gut feeling is best. We evolved with it for a reason… Probably! :^)

Maybe it is best if ‘normal people’ avoid being superstitious.

A test post that will allow to to ascertain the ‘pain’ that wordpress gives people.

So basically, people have been complaining about wordpress being crap – nothing new.

I am going to be honest, I do not see much pain here. This is complelely fine I am writting a paragraph that is fine. With GoDaddy, they save after every character. Here it auto saves after……….. You stop writing for like 3 seconds. This box automatically increases in size so that I can continue to write. It doesn’t seem that bad to me. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Time to include an image!

uh… how do I add image? No srsly how tf do you add image?? I see featured image but where is random image???

Something to do with blocks I guess but… :V
Ah, I see. This edit thing checks your user agent so if it is set to something fun like ‘Install Gentoo’ they remove the ability to ‘add blocks’ so you cannot add images. This is truly a what the fugg feature. They warned that some things may not work after logging in! They don’t need to coddle me! I know my browser is ‘speical’, this is redundant! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Now that I have realized that, lets see what else is crap. Ok, so I am going to be honest, this doesn’t seem all that bad. Maybe this is the ‘classic’ editor? I don’t know. Anyway, wordpress sucks naturally, write HTML by hand nerd.

Pandora Hearts | My thoughts on the anime (spoilers on 2nd-page)

Cover for manga vol1
This kid’s name? Ummm… Oz! (I briefly forgot this kid’s name; he left that much of an impression on me.)

The voice acting is not the greatest.

It’s an old anime so there is no 3d garbage; however, because it is an old anime the fighting scenes are… compared to modern day anime… lackluster. I did watch all 25 episodes – so there’s that! 25 x 20 is… like 500 minutes… which is like 8 hours-ish. So I put up with this anime for 8 hours.

Do you believe in the power of friendship? πŸ˜€πŸ”« (A watergun? When did this unnessessary change happen?)

Grimacing face.  Business man with revolver to head, does not seem fearful or afraid.
This is me when I see the ‘power of freindship’ in anime.

There are psychological aspects to this anime, I guess, but I cannot say they apply in the ‘real world’… actually since I’m watching this anime to get away from the real world that shouldn’t matter. But the ‘psychological’ aspects of this anime is so… ugh.

The opening is spoiler free so it is at least free of that sin; however, it does have characters that you will not see for ‘a while.’ Normally I just skip the opening. This anime does have a ‘recap’ moment where it briefly covers what happened in the last episode. I find that skipping to by about 2m20s is ideal for me. The ending… hmm it has characters that you do not see until like middle of the series, but these characters are not super important, so I do not know how to feel about it. Ideally, it wouldn’t include them at all, but it is what it is.

I did notice some things that should’ve been explained but they were not. They’re not like major plot holes, but I feel like the writer may have written himself in some kind of hole-avoiding-hell-scene. It feels like whenever something happens “does this mess with the lore?” gets asked and I feel frequently like it does and the writer changes something to deal with it. I’ll talk about one thing that I noticed immediately on the second-page first. So far, he hasn’t managed to write himself into a hole. However! I have noticed that characters do not mention things that they should mention until it is ‘time to mention’ them, which is annoying and only exists to move the plot forward.

There a frequent ‘flash backs’ sometimes events that happen earlier in the episode is ‘remembered’ in the same episode. I swear there was one ‘flashback’ of something that happened 3 minutes apart in an episode. ‘Flashbacks’ were overused in my opinion.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime | Formal Recommendation for the Anime (beware, spoilers on second page.)

Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken | TenSura

I literally binged watched all 25 episodes in one day. In a matheimatical sense, 25e * 20m = (500m)/(60m per 1h) = 8.3 hours. I will tackle the OVA’s soon… ish. This anime is in my ‘will-watch-again’ bucket.

I did not notice any objectionable flaws with the way they created the anime. If the producers used 3d, I did not notice it (3d for me is a big no-no because I hate it and it looks cheap). The intro song is about 1 minute and 30 seconds (I always skipped it since it shows a lot of characters and I want to find out who they are during the show… [some characters show up really late in the series which annoys me because when I see them I wonder when I am supposed to see them in the show since they appeared in the intro, then I realize they would show up near the end, thus ruining their surprise entrance, as such I fully recommend skipping the intro until the 24/25th episode]), and the ending song I estimate is the standard length one can expect to find in an anime. There is some ‘recap’ but I skipped over them; I remember them being at least a minute.

The anime is nice, however I do not know about the manga or light novel. I initially avoided the series because the name was too long for me, and I assumed that it was a ‘cheap comedy’ – that is to say, it has no real plot and it would be waste of time. Like in many cases, I assumed wrong. It has a plot… sort of, and I cannot say that it was a waste of time. Honestly, when I had watched all 25 episodes I wanted to watch even more. Expect spoilers after this page.

English language is hard

Is what the subject and fug the verb? I have no clue!

Commas, commas, commas… There are like 13 different rules of commas in English. This is 13 too many. English, a hard language, has this thing called an apositive. Subject and, verb must NEVER be separated by comma (I fail to identify what the subject is most of the time and usually the verb is a mystery as well). FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, I THINK) require comma between independent clauses! What is an independent clause? A mystery, that’s what! Comma spices are a thing… One probably shouldn’t use a comma after a ‘because’ because I think because is a coordinator conjunction? I don’t know what a conjunction even is. That means nothing to me.

Why being sick is stupid

Unless its from my favorite disease that is.

I have college. I also had a college mid term exam with a three digit fever. I dislike how my head ‘clicks’ every so often. I dislike coughing up mucus. That is disgusting. I dislike having my legs feel cold. I dislike shivering when I am sweating. I dislike that I am actually considering not going to class because I do not feel well. I dislike that I may get other people sick if I go.

Worst part is when my head just hurts and does not relax.

My thoughts on the English language. And why this blog will be written in Latin (eventually).

Latin speakers when some English speaker talks to them in their unintelligible gibberish

Why does it have to exist? Perhaps more accurately, why is it the only language I know and speak? I think it is a globalist conspiracy to construct a one world government with one language being allowed as defined by the state so the elite can hide and keep the ancient languages and keep it for themselves. Therefore, I propose, that all men, women, x, children, dogs, any self-aware beings, learn Latin and speak and write Latin only, to prove to the elite that you will not be chained to their diabolical ways. Additionally, I propose that Latin be the dominate language on Earth and all other languages, like English, be removed. English has too rules and grammar requirements. Especially when writing essays for college. Why does the way I write remove points from my final grade? That’s stupid. Until I learn Latin, I will type in English but rest assured dear reader/language liberator, English(more like crapLISH) is on its way out!

“English… is on its way out!”

A Suave Notary 2020

English in my opinion is easy to learn, I mean it was the first language I learned, but literally everyone speaks or writes it. You can go somewhere foreign and you will find someone who can speak and or write it. It’s so annoying. The worst part is when they do not know English as good as you or they have a terrible accent that gets in the way of understanding them, they’re basically free riding off of your hard earned English skills. I read this story where this guy went to Japan to get a gf 😍 and when he got one, the gf only wanted to speak in English!! WTF. The guy clearly wanted to speak Japanese, that’s why hes in Japan! I don’t speak Japanese when Japanese people come to London or wherever I am situated in.

I am in the process of learning Latin right now, but I estimate it will take about two years to be ‘ok’ at. Two because I am in college and due to the nature of college, Latin has been neglected in favor of not failing my classes. I’ve bearly scratched the surface of Latin, and it has already helped me. Astronomy in particular has Latin which is a ‘real world’ example that I recently had. It is an interesting feeling knowing that something I barely touched is already helping me. The book I’m learning from suggests one year for working knowledge but we’ll see.

I have moral imperative for which I have written what I wrote. A future, unshackled by the globalists, a future where one cannot be constrained by speaking a common tongue that is forged by the elites so they can dominate us while they keep the real language secret. This is why they make language learning so hard. They do not want our minds to expand. Language controls what you think. Language gives you terms and definitions that you can apply to things. The shackled language that is English will hold us back, especially after they create English 2.0 which essentially will contain language so dumbed down, we might as well be monkeys. This English 2.0 already exist to some extent, published by some news stations in conjunction with official English. I dream of a future where man is not judged by his skin but, judged by the language which he speaks.

“I dream of a future where man is not judged by his skin but, judged by the language which he speaks.”

A Suave Notary 2020

To this extent, I shall do my part and learn Latin. If you are against being a slave to the language masters, you will do the same. This is a Suave Notary, logging off.

My complaints about GoDaddy

GoDaddy, in my opinion πŸ™‚, is a crappy service and it should be avoided at all costs.

Metaphorically, the cat represents me, when using GoDaddy.

They will not allow me to remove my credit card information because they claim that I have an auto-repay. I have attempted to cancel the items with auto payment but the interface for dealing with the bills is not intuitive at all. The bill page says canceled but I don’t know. Luckily, I was able to ‘update’ my credit card information with GoDaddy and now they have credit card information that shouldn’t work.

At one point, when I attempted to access my website I could not reach it with my browser. I received an error that basically said the resource could not be reached. The website I was hosting was for a business, so one can easily see why this is an issue. The strangest thing about this problem is that I was able to access it from different internet locations. But not with my cell phone’s 4G internet! I can access the website now, with my phone but I could not for a while.

The website builder… I wish it had more customization to it. With it alone one can make a decent looking website, but if I want to do something interesting I have to use the html ‘section’ and basically put my own code in it. Every single time I type anything in the website builder, it saves. Which is fine, except it saves when I’m in the middle of writing something. There is a very noticeable lag when typing and I’ve noticed some characters I’ve typed disappear after typing for a while. Recommended solutions, from me, is: type at 10wpm, type into some other text thing then copy and paste it into the desired form. Disgusting. Additionally, I’m pretty sure the web-builder comes at cost anyway.

There are times where I have to repeatedly sign into GoDaddy, like back to back to back to back, which is annoying.

They call you. I have blocked them on my phone however, I frequently have notifications about a blocked call from a GoDaddy number.

Update march, 6: I cannot connect to my website again, unless I use a vpn.

Without vpn
With vpn…

Avoid GoDaddy at all costs. I feel like they were a once a great thing for the internet, but now they’re a giant pain(in my opinion, like always πŸ™ƒ), like Microsoft and Google.