Warframe: The Shawzim Scam


One might think that the Shawzim is a nifty idea. Play an instrement that people can hear? What a novel concept! Except, like everything in Warframe it costs money. If you give in though and buy it, you will be amazed at the notes it has, play the 6 songs they have given you for ‘freeeee’, ‘save’ your own songs (literally they give you a string that you have to alt-tab and save yourself), play other songs with the string that you have to either already have in your computers clipboard or alt-tab and copy the string of the song that you want to play then put it in the nesseccary field so you can play the songs from other people. Why can you not save songs from Warframe? Why do you have to alt-tab if you want to play other songs than the six very short songs that they give us?

English language is hard

Is what the subject and fug the verb? I have no clue!

Commas, commas, commas… There are like 13 different rules of commas in English. This is 13 too many. English, a hard language, has this thing called an apositive. Subject and, verb must NEVER be separated by comma (I fail to identify what the subject is most of the time and usually the verb is a mystery as well). FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, I THINK) require comma between independent clauses! What is an independent clause? A mystery, that’s what! Comma spices are a thing… One probably shouldn’t use a comma after a ‘because’ because I think because is a coordinator conjunction? I don’t know what a conjunction even is. That means nothing to me.

Why being sick is stupid

Unless its from my favorite disease that is.

I have college. I also had a college mid term exam with a three digit fever. I dislike how my head ‘clicks’ every so often. I dislike coughing up mucus. That is disgusting. I dislike having my legs feel cold. I dislike shivering when I am sweating. I dislike that I am actually considering not going to class because I do not feel well. I dislike that I may get other people sick if I go.

Worst part is when my head just hurts and does not relax.