Pandora Hearts | My thoughts on the anime (spoilers on 2nd-page)

Image of Alice
Alice / Black Rabbit (Best character)

Ok, to begin. Why did Alice show up suddenly during the ceremony saying “this is my slave! No attac or I attac” then is like “o! you can attac now because you will do something I like” ????? Then it never gets mentioned again. Ok. First thing I thought that I would ask her if I were Oz is “Why did you show up, protect me, then decide that actually you don’t want to protect me and let them send me into ‘hell’ when not doing anything would’ve resulted in the same thing?” Oh yeah, it’s because they need a way to introduce B-Rabbit to show that she’s B-Rabbit of course! And that she’s cool and mysterious and that her goals are unknowable and that….. jk. I cannot think of a reason as to why she would randomly show up. Watching the scene again, she calls them reapers (according to subtitles), meaning she knows of them or they look like reapers, so she called them that. But then the term is not used in a meaningful way later in the series so I don’t know how to feel about it. Ok, she shows up to show up. She calls Oz her key to leaving the Abyss, but she just left the Abyss! Alice was literally fighting the ‘reapers’ and they seemed to consider her a real threat. Was a portal from the Abyss open? What about other thalls that get out from a path/portal? They are clearly making an impact on the world usually via a contract but the anime clearly shows that they do not need a contract to do things (like when thalls were rekting that one town. Also, that event should clearly spell out that the Abyss is real for the rest of the world). Anyway, so the ‘reapers’ send Oz to the Abyss… saying he has committed a sin… of existance… using a chain called Griffin. Hmmmm… ok.

Lets talk about how portal/paths work. They appear and a thall/chain comes out of it. Is it then closed after that? What determines how they open or close? It cant be the Will of the Abyss because she seems really pathetic tbh. Or maybe she is the reason because apparently she is the reason the thalls came out of the Abyss when the town was getting attacked. Raven can open ways into the Abyss it seems, and it seems Equinox can get them out… But Griffin can send people to the Abyss too. Hmmmm… How did Alice manifest in the ceremony?

Gilbert really should’ve told Oz (I almost forgot his name again) from the beginning that his father was trying to yeet him into hell (I’ll bet that is not even his father and Oz will have a meltdown because of that). Too much happens in this anime where a character does not say what they should’ve said much earlier. Too much happens when Oz hears ‘shocking!!!!’ (ie very obvious) news and has a fucking temper tantrum about it. In the next paragraph you will suffer.

Oh no! My daddy doesn’t like me!! Oh no!! WAHHHHHHHH! If my daddy doesnt like me then IM NOTHING WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OH NO!!!! FLASH BACKS!!! I JUST WANTED DADDY TO LOVE ME!!! Oh noooo!!!! Wahhhh!! He called me FLITH! im DEVESATED!!! MY MIND IS BROKEN!! when i hear the word ‘father’ i bREAK iTerNAlLy AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Oh Im normal again hehe~ — Oz, during his temper tantrums. That is the extent of the psychological aspect btw.

If that does not make it clear I dislike Oz I don’t know what will. I do not hate him I just think… If he did not have his temper tantrums, he would be so much better. One could make an argument that Gil did not want to tell Oz about his father because he knows that Oz would meltdown and hurt is psyche but like, Oz just recovers from it. Oz is not ever affected long term by anything… besides the whole ‘my daddy’ thing which he recovered oh so quickly from. Interesting how quickly he linked the Griffin to his father. If he did not link the Griffin to his father during the ceremony, why did he link it at the dinner table? I mean if he just sat down and thought about the events that happened during the ceremony, the Griffen seems hard to forget. For example: ‘hmmmmmmm…. haven’t I seen that Griffin before? Oh yeah its the thing at the dinner table! How did that picture get there? Hmmm… I wonder what that means!’ Also, this means that everone who was there and knows about the Griffin failed to tell Oz about it especially when they talk about the five doors to the Abyss and they neglected to mention that Oz’s father was in contract with it. Oops. I guess they knew Oz would have a temper tantrum and did not want to deal with that. A lot of Oz’s problems are not really problems and they exist because… he needs something to overcome? Character development? Hardly any of Oz’s problems feel like they’re organic to me.

Oz and Alice
Oz and Alice.

Alice should’ve been made the main character. She is much more interesting than Oz is. An OVA of her just living in the world would be more interesting than anything Oz has to offer.

What I wanted the most honestly was just to watch Alice do stuff. I’m not ‘crazy’ for Alice – she is best character in the show in my opinion and her mindset is good. “Oh no! This is a spooky hallway memory. Should I have a temper tantrum? Nah, lets see what is in store.”

Speaking of the Spooky hallway memory; Oz never told Alice she was once alive, and I do not know if Alice remembered anything when she was ‘trapped in her past’. I think she should have? Knowing the writing so far, it’ll come up when its convenient which is a reoccurring annoyance.

Aside from those complaints, I think it overall it was an ok anime. To be clear; I am actually taking the time to write about this anime and I did watch every episode. If I hated something or strongly disliked something, I would’ve dropped it. I will not watch again; though I am not against recommending it to someone. I wouldn’t know who to recommend it to honestly.

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